Choropleth Maps in R

Choropleth Maps in R

Choropleth maps provides a very simple and easy way to understand visualizations of a measurement across different geographical areas, be it states or countries. If you were to compare growth rate of Indian states and present it to a bunch of people who have 15-20...
A Primer on Web Scraping in R

A Primer on Web Scraping in R

If you are a data scientist who wants to capture data from such web pages then you wouldn’t want to be the one to open all these pages manually and scrape the web pages one by one. To push away the boundaries limiting data scientists from accessing such data from web...
Propensity Score Matching in R

Propensity Score Matching in R

Propensity scores are an alternative method to estimate the effect of receiving treatment when random assignment of treatments to subjects is not feasible. The concept of Propensity score matching (PSM) was first introduced by Rosenbaum and Rubin (1983) in a paper...

Optimization Using R

Optimization is a technique for finding out the best possible solution for a given problem for all the possible solutions. Optimization uses a rigorous mathematical model to find out the most efficient solution to the given problem. What is optimization? Optimization...